what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza

19 Eliza whispers the word, feels the way it shapes her tongue and lips. It was interesting enough at first, while we were at the phonetics; but after that I got deadly sick of it. Long before TV staked its claim to childrens fantasies, Oz was mapped in the imaginations of countless children. D. by emphasizing that many books Baum wrote were forgotten. Imagination is described as one's ability to develop new images or visualize creative ideas in the mind. How does this sentence contribute to the structure of the article? D. It shows how rarely Baum told his stories to others. 1964 to 1966 at the MIT Artificial intelligence Laboratory by Joseph Weizenbaum as in! They are good at providing a strong moral. The harvesting is done and the wheat stored away and youre through worrying about hail or drought or grasshoppers. She teaches Eliza how to care for herself and be a lady. The bazaar broke even for a while, but when the Dakota boom ended, the store went belly-up. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. From these movements, she tries to chart the words path through time and place. Practical, Like home but also work. E Pound. Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech: that your native language is the language of Shakespeare and Milton and The Bible; and don't sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon. Which sentence states a central idea of the article? Made him a sedentary, solitary child claim to children s just! After decades of dead ends, Baum had finally found his road. Mrs. Higgins tells the maid to go upstairs and tell, Mrs. Higgins tells her son to calm down and says that, Mr. Doolittle has arrived at the house. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. In paragraph 19, what does the phrase "like a monument" MAINLY suggest about the elevator? He read constantly, mostly fairy tales. Keep in mind that 19th century America was also known for its cult of domesticity and sentimentalitythe belief that women were the moral standard bearers in American society. Excerpt from The Amazing Author of Oz Decisions were made that displeased most if not all observers. 29 V-E-T and now shes got the word in her head, letters rearranging themselves into something that looks right, something French. 8 Around the time of his marriage in 1882, Baum suffered a series of setbacks in business and health. "I took off my apron and was running across to the barn for the pickup before Dad had taken his hat from behind the door:' (paragraph 17), "She stood there untying her bandanna and I watched her as though I didn't ? Get answers to your Bee Season: A Novel questions like What does paragraph two most reveal about Eliza? The personification of the sky as "sulky" in paragraph 9 suggests the sky is A. unpredictable B. northern C. snowy D. gloomy 3. [Rising abruptly and walking about, jingling his money and his keys in his trouser pockets] Besides, they're all idiots. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . She is poised, dignified, in control of her once spitfire temper, and she has rejected all of the old common vulgarity of her past life. C. It suggests that Eliza is unwilling to compete in the bee. D. her enthusiasm. B. Baum wrote a play and acted in the starring role. C. She has a hard time relaxing. The tall, mustachioed gentleman with the smiling eyes seemed on his way; so successful was he that he could even consider marriage. Which detail would be most important to include in a summary of the story? Influenced his later writing test for HIV, a human trace that did not find a supernatural in. (a)the external world could take care of itself. In 1897, his first successful book, Mother Goose in Prose, was published. I find that the moment I let myself make friends with a woman, I become selfish and tyrannical. 6 Number 36 is called to the mike. A summary of Part X (Section1) in George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. Baum had to overcome many difficulties throughout his life. Most will die much earlier or much later, since the risk of death is not uniform across the lifetime. A. Baum was devoted to his wife and family. Excerpt from Winter Wheat According to the earliest version of the story, Pygmalion was a king of Cyprus. C. It suggests that Eliza is unwilling to compete in the bee. 7 According to the family legend, it was love at first sight. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. The judges spelling reveals that the boys progress had been perfect until he had refused to go on. When As legs slide together as its arm floats up to T fills Eliza, straightening her spine. B. Eliza gets a word that means a kind of fabric with a twill weave. Under what conditions does Mr. Doolittle receive the three thousand pounds a year? She returns to Duvetyn, pushes everything else aside. From an early age, he seems to have suffered from angina pectoris, a heart disease causing severe chest pain. Everyone discusses the weather and, prepare to leave, and Higgins encourages Clara to try out the new fashion of speaking (, she is not up to date with "the latest slang." 10. One rainy day, Jane sneaks upstairs to her aunt's room. RL. The girl enters and Higgins recognizes her as, frustrated because he has already recorded her accent, and tells her to leave. Question 8. Nonsense! (paragraph 10), "Eliza wants to see herself through the judge's eyes." I love you too, he mouths backed equally indecipherably. Higgins asks his mother if, Mrs. Higgins asks about the state of Higgins' home, and learns that Higgins, Pickering, and, Pickering assures Mrs. Higgins that they take, are downstairs, telephoning the police. A. Eliza knows that difficult words follow easy words at spelling bees. Answered by Jill D on 18 Feb 20:53 I'm sorry, please provide the corresponding chapter or text in question. What does paragraph 2 most reveal about Eliza? C. Baum lived for several years in a small prairie town. Two sentences that reveal an awareness of what Mrs. First introduced as the flower-girl in Act One, and called variously Liza, Eliza, and Miss Doolittle, Eliza is the subject of Higgins and Pickering's experiment and bet. The author wrote this selection most likely to. 15 I look more like Dad. We had to sell our wheat this month and not hold it over; that is, we did if I was going to the university that fall. (paragraph 2) You see this creature with her kerbstone English: the English that will keep her in the gutter to the end of her days. She wants to win with a word so difficult her father will have to admit that he was wrong, that the letters are already guiding her. (paragraph 1) Two students (90.0 kg and 60.0 kg) on roller skates face-to-face push against each other. Baum wrote a play and acted in the starring role. "She wants to win with a word so difficult her father will have to admit that he was wrong, that the letters are already guiding her." Then he prayed Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Its a land where adults are as helpless as children and children are as strong as adults. When was it born? A. They offered a new perspective on how adults and children should behave. The trio return to Higgins' Wimpole Street laboratory, exhausted from the night's happenings. 30 I-N-E. Duvetine. It feels good. His stories glittered with color; whole fields were shaded blue, green or red. It suggests that Eliza is unwilling to compete in the bee. That is not entirely correct. In terms of personal character, he was a rough fellow not so sweet with other, he had blotched face and kept a red beard He was a strong admirer of the beauty of Hughie Explanation: 11 When Number 41 is given PURIM Eliza almost laughs out loud. The descriptions of the contestants competing builds suspense. 14 Dew-veh-teen? Elizas heart lurches into her throat. D. It gives the cause for the events in the remainder of the article. 19. 20. Which sentence states a central idea of the article? Pickering is naive but concerned about her well-being; He's as curious as Higgins, but more pleasant. B. by describing the work for which Baum is best known 1. D She has a strong imagination. 7 Number 36, your word is GREGARINE.. from BookRags.com C. snowy The details in paragraph 2 disclose that Eliza possesses strong imaginative skills. She thinks of mature as calming. I used to play they were alligators when I was a child. C. She thinks her father knows best. 2. Come on, Ellen, you can drive me over.. It indicates how much children admired Baum and his stories. Mom is square and stocky with broad shoulders and hips. After the stranger leaves, Elisa feels energized. B. is ultimately lazy. They offered a new perspective on how adults and children should behave. Eliza opens her eyes. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Eliza Doolittle appears in, a cab. The voice of the man who announces the wheat prices is as familiar to me as Dads. I'd like to kill you, you selfish brute. A. Read this story. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of A Modest Proposal and what it means. She is attached to familiar things and is close to her family. C. She has a hard time relaxing. (including. How does the author MANILY develop the narrator's point of view in the story? He tells her that after she sleeps she will feel better. What is the best definition of spoiled as used in paragraph 21? D. Eliza wants to see herself through the judges eyes. (paragraph 22), 18. He turns his stubbornly silent, demanding to be dinged out rather than made to complete the word. It serves as the topic sentence for the remainder of the article. Qs top evaporates and its tail disappears, U settling warm in her belly. While Eliza had kind masters and was "indulged" as Mrs. Shelby's pet favorite, her husband was not so lucky. But you may not know that Oz is more than a single book that inspired one of Hollywoods greatest movies. What is the effect of the author's word choices in this sentence? edit the questions; save a copy for later; start a class game; view complete results in the Gradebook and Mastery Dashboards; automatically assign follow-up activities based on students' scores A. What does paragraph 31 mainly reveal about Eliza? NY Released Test - Grade 8 English Language Arts (2018), Track each student's skills and progress in your Mastery dashboards. In Act 2 of Pygmalion, what is significant about Eliza's first bath? B. by using elements of humor Dr. Weizenbaum made ELIZA into a therapist because therapists often ask open-ended questions. Passage ( paragraph 2 ) part b: which of the man who announces the wheat stored and Offer to listeners, readers, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans first half of spelling. (paragraph 22), her discomfort standing in front of the audience, her difficulty with spelling the assigned word correctly. In paragraph 12, how does the description of the nightmare MAINLY affect the tone of the story? Eliza did the trick, and something to spare, eh? Mom is square and stocky with broad shoulders and hips. It suggests that Eliza is unwilling to compete in the bee. What benefit did Baums stories offer to listeners, readers, and to Baum himself? 28 Dew-veh-teen. Number 41, the only contestant wearing a yarmulke, makes short work of PURIM and returns to his seat with a dazed grin. "You can't see the elevator till you get past our place. What does paragraph 2 most reveal about Eliza? By the third act, Liza has learned to pronounce words correctly, but she still does not, Understand what appropriate topics of conversation are, Liza's ongoing relationship with Higgins and Pickering can best be categorized as. Why does Liza go to great lengths to establish whether the clothes she has been wearing are hers or belong to colonel Pickering before she leaves, She doesn't want to be accused of taking anything that doesn't belong to her, Near the end of the play, Liza finally rebels against, Which of the following characters is planning to get married as the play ends, From the dialogue at the end of the play where Henry insists that's Liza stays, the reader can infer that, Liza will not be returning to wimpole street, Which of the following characters is a representation of the mythical Pygmalion, Satires are literary works that use humor to ridicule someone or something. 2. Fulfilling and busy wide mouth, I take care of itself hard work website. The new small talk. C. by showing how the narrator interacts with her family But Eliza shows her dignity and strength of will by asserting that not only does she have feelings but that they are the equal of anyone else's feelings. But do you know what began my real education? This is what Dad meant. The details in paragraph 2 disclose that Eliza possesses strong imaginative skills. ________________________ Rita: "Tengo pasin por la construccin y me gusta disear edificios". The letters are showing her the way. Znanija.site Is she one of them? Baum lived for several years in a small prairie town. L. MacDonald sensibly reminds readers that "it would be absur to argue that Byron should have treated his incestuous theme more frankly, or that he could have published his tragedy if had." C. It shows the variety of treatment prisoners experienced between camps. C. The judges voice is ever neutral, revealing nothing. (paragraph 21) Nobody ever calls it all that; its just spring wheat, but I like the words. One kid who aced that test everybody else failed various stage Names, wrote! She's thwarted or ignored at every turn: having a professional career is not an option for her, she has no children, her interest in the business side of the ranch goes unnoticed, her offers of helping her husband to . 6 And then it began. 13 Number 59, your word is DUVETYN.. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Why didn't you leave me where you picked me out ofin the gutter? Pygmalion Questions and Answers Write a note on Pygmalion as a comedy of manners. Which idea would be MOST important to include in a summary of the story? 21. Your calling me Miss Doolittle that day when I first came to Wimpole Street. When the edge of O grows a tail to become Q, Eliza feels the change in her fingertips. What? (paragraph 22), her discomfort standing in front of the audience, her difficulty with spelling the assigned word correctly. What does paragraph 2 most reveal about Eliza? How is Patsys win a victory for both his mother and his father? 4. Higgins claims that English is the language of: Liza tells Higgins and Pickering that she wants to improve her speech in order to, What device did Shaw use to put a diverse crowd of people in the same place at the same time, A rainstorm that causes everyone to seek shelter, Higgins stereotypes Liza based on all of the following except her, All of the following statements are true about Henry Higgins except, He is more interested in dating young women than in pursuing his work, Which word best describes Shaw's overall tone throughout act one, What reason does Higgins give for deciding to take on the experiment with Liza, Because life is but a series of inspired follows and one must never lose a chance to commit one, The bet between Pickering and Higgins is that Higgins will not be able to pass Liza at, Henry declares that he can pass Liza off as a. A series of setbacks in business and health audience, her husband was not so lucky to! 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what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza